Friday 5 October 2007


I believe that robots,not spaceships,should be the focus of technological development in the future.First,robots are much less expensive to develop and build than spaceships.The cost of any spaceship is many millions of dollars more than the cost of the most sophisticated robot.Second,robots have far useful applications on Earth right now.Even the robots we have now can work in dangerous conditions that humans cannot,such as extreme heat or cold.They can rescue people in collapsed mines,take apart bombs work underwater,and help with delicate microscopic surgery.They are useful to society now in ways that spaceships are not.Third,robots can improve the life of the individual on a personal level.Robots can be developed to clean the house,do the shopping,cook,help children with difficult homework,play games,and keep track of the health of their human owners.NO spaceship will ever affect the lives of individuals in such a way.
In conclusion,our lives will be better,sooner,when robots receive the attention,money,and time that spaceships get now.

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