Tuesday 8 May 2007


Hydrogen is the news again.Why?.Because fossil fuels are running out at an incredible speed.
I believe that our country should invest in laboratories,research centres,scientists and engineers to promote hydrogen as an alternative to petroleum.Moreover,those reserchers should find the way to reduce the cost and improve the practicality of hydrogen-powered vehicles.
I consider relevant the opinion of a well known engineer from Argentina.It states that President Kirchner must invest at leastU$S1 billion(in US 1+9 zeros,in UK 1+12 zeros)in order to start the long waited initiative to foster clean air and lessen dependence on imported oil.
The different ministries and deparments that are responsible for those areas.Such as, Economy, Health,Production,etc should conduct the marriage of automakers with energy companies.For instance,Renault with Shell,Ford and Fiat with Petrobras,etc to encourage research and set standards for refueling hardware.
Argentina should follow the example of Brasil in what refers to new fuel alternatives to petroleum.In Tucuman,Mr Alperovich should do the things that are supposed to be done by an elected representative of our province,like the correct control and regulation of carbon dioxide emissions of our battered public transport system,because when you look at those "buses",you expect them to explode or get burned at least.
All in all,I hope that something has to be done, and now!!!!otherwise our environment will be doomed.

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