Saturday 9 June 2007


I watched a nice film recently.I would like to share my reactions and thoughts with you my friends.
Liar Liar is a funny and emotional story about a man who is torn between the seduction of materialism and the love of his son.The film shows the character of Fletcher Reede ,a guy who lies to get by.He needs to be a winner .He needs to have a good car ,the nice suit and the money.He makes all the wrong choices and it comes back to haunt him.
I believe that Jim Carrey's character;Fletcher makes you want to laugh and cry at the same time.To lie or not to lie it is a dilemma we all face at one time or another.
Carrey plays a lawyer who has to tell the truth for 24 hours.What a difficult task isn't it?.
The film was shot in and around the greater Los Angeles area,the main locations seen in the film include los Angeles International Airport, where the climax was filmed;down town's historic City Hall building and the New los Angeles City Jail.It also took place on a sound stage at Universal Studios.
After I enjoyed the film I thought about how complicated is for some people not to lie.That people seem to be in the struggle every single day.I feel pity for them.
Anyway,the key word here is to respect each other and by doing that you do not need to lie again.

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